One of the best Azerbaijani websites with high-quality audience which are interested in interesting articles.
Below you can find data from web-analytics tools about website traffic, its audience, interests and behaviour.
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Geographic distribution

most ofvisitors are from Azerbaijan

Country Sessions % New Sessions New Users
Azerbaijan 475184 42,59% 202393
Russia 7757 60,93% 4726
Georgia 2983 60,54% 1806
Turkey 2096 73,76% 1546
Uzbekistan 909 85,37% 776
Ukraine 879 57,11% 502
Germany 845 67,10% 567
United States 714 84,31% 602
(not set) 556 52,34% 291
United Kingdom 431 62,18% 268
Total 495073 43,52% 215444


Traffic sources

traffic source: As it is seen, most of visitors (74%) are from search engines

As it is seen, most of visitors (73%) are from search engines.

Website monthly traffic

monthly statistics of site by weekly distribution


Device distribution

mostof visitors are mobile

Age distribution of visitors

age distribution of surfers


Interest distribution of visitors

interests of site users