Data Sufficiency Questions 700+

  • GMAT
GMAT imtahanınnın riyaziyyat hissəsinə aid nisbətən çətin sayılan suallar toplusu 

1. If 2 different representatives are to be selected at random from a group of 10 employees

and if p is the probability that both representatives selected will be women, is p > 1/2

(1) More than 1/2 of the 10 employees are women.
(2) The probability that both representatives selected will be men is less than 1/10

2. If vertices of a triangle have coordinates (-1,0), (4,0), and (0,A), is the area of the triangle greater than 15?
(1) A < 3
(2) The triangle is right
3.  Is the perimeter of triangle ABC greater than 20?
(1) BC-AC=10.
(2) The area of the triangle is 20.

4. If x is not equal to 0, is |x| less than 1?
(1) x/|x|< x
(2) |x| > x 

5. Are x and y both positive?
(1) 2x-2y=1
(2) x/y>1
6.  If 20 Swiss Francs is enough to buy 9 notebooks and 3 pencils, is 40 Swiss Francs enough to buy 12 notebooks and 12 pencils?
(1) 20 Swiss Francs is enough to buy 7 notebooks and 5 pencils.
(2) 20 Swiss Francs is enough to buy 4 notebooks and 8 pencils.

7. Ten years ago, scientists predicted that the animal z would become extinct in t years. What is t? 
(1) Animal z became extinct 4 years ago. 
(2) If the scientists had extended their extinction prediction for animal z by 3 years, their prediction would have been incorrect by 2 years. 

8. If x and y are non-zero integers and |x| + |y| = 32, what is xy? 
(1) -4x — 12y = 0 
(2) |x| — |y| = 16

9. If k is an integer greater than 1, is k equal to 2^r for some positive integer r? 
(1) k is divisible by 2^6 
(2) k is not divisible by any odd integer greater than 1 

10. What is the value of integer x?
(1) 4 < (x-1)*(x-1) < 16
(2) 4 < (x+1)*(x-1) < 16 

2 şərh

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Bizim uşaqlar üçün olan kurikulum dərsi bundan bir az asandır)) ALES suallarına baxanda anlayıram niyə bu qədər qəribə sualalr var. Riyaziyyat, məntiq və bir az da ingiliscə bilə bilə cəmi 3 suala cavab verə bildim)) əgər varsa, cavablarını izahlı olaraq yerləşdirə bilərsiz?